Address: 5B Adekunle Lawal Road, Ikoyi, Lagos - Nigeria


The Journal of Environmental Law and Policy


Guidelines for Authors


The Journal welcomes articles on all issues of environmental law and policy both locally and internationally in English which have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles should not exceed 25 pages of the Journal (about 12,000 – 13,000 words). A submission of less than 4000 words may be considered for our shorter article Section.

Papers should be typed, double spaced on one side only of A4 paper; should be submitted in a CD-Rom or by email to the address below. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively through the article.

Send to Debo Olagunju: Email: Address: Environmental Law Research Institute, 12 Oyinkan Abayomi Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Style Sheet

The following style should be used in articles submitted and published in the Journal of Environmental Law and Policy.

Articles should be double spaced.


Use English spelling.


E.g . 12 June 1982 (not June, 12, 1982).

Headings and titles

The title of the article should appear at the top of the page in bold and capitals: e.g.


The name of the author should appear below the title in capitals and asterisked e.g .


Short bibliographical details of the author should then be provided in a footnote also with an asterisk at the beginning.

Headings should appear as follows:


A. Sub heading

1. Sub-sub heading


Articles should contain footnotes numbered consecutively at the bottom of each page.


Books should be cited as name of the author, title of the book in italics, name of publisher, date in brackets and page: e.g. A. Akoni and G. Wilson, Environment and Pollution , Sage Publications (1999), 9

Chapters in books: should appear as name of author, title of chapter in italics, names of authors of the book, title of book in italics, publisher, date in brackets, page numbers of chapter: e.g. G . Gbade , An Appraisal of Environmental Legislations in Nigeria , in O.P. Ikah and E.F . Ighodalo (eds), Environmental Law and Policy in Nigeria , Heinmann Education Books (1989) 50-63.

Articles: should be cited as name of author, title of article in italics, volume of journal, title of journal, date in brackets, page numbers of article, and any page number at which any quotation is taken from, e.g. A . Sarumi , MDGs and the Protection of Environmental Rights , 23(1) Human Rights Quarterly (2001) 148-165, at 160

References to previously cited work should use ‘ibid' for those imme diately above, or for others: ‘A . Gbade , supra note 8.'

Cases: use the English standard citat ion where appropriate, e.g. Adekola v. Eyimb a (1990) 4 N.W.L.R (Part 146), 632 S.C.  


Short quotations should be in quotation “ ” marks within a paragraph , unless quotations within a quotation , which should be in single quote ‘ '. Where a quotation is longer than 30 words, such quotation should be indented in a paragraph without carrying a quotation mark

Paragraphs should be indented at the start of a new paragraph, with spare line from one paragraph to the next. 

General Note:

Please use the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) which may be downloaded free of charge at: